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Friday, February 19, 2021

vRealize Automation 7 Components Mapping to the vRealize Automation 8.2 Components

  vRealize Automation 7 and vRealize Automation 8 have extremely different architectures all together. Before you prepare for migration, you must understand how the vRealize   Automation 7 components map to the vRealize Automation 8.2 components. In my next blog I will be going to describe about limitations of migration from vRealize Automation 7 to vRealize Automation 8.2.

Let’s talk about vRealize Automation 7 Component map with vRealize Automation 8.

The major vRealize Automation 7 components can be  classified into several comprehensive categories. 

1- Reservations and Profiles

2-   System Objects 

3-  Users and Groups

4-  Content 

5-   Extensibility 


Reservations and Profiles:- 

Reservations and Profiles provide system resource for deployments. 





System Objects :- 

System object control how vRealize Automation connects and organizes resources. 







Users and Groups :-

The vRealize Automation Migration Assistant provides a business group to project-driven migration. Special user roles in vRealize Automation 7 are mapped to simpler roles in vRealize Automation 8.x.














Content :-

Content includes deployed machines and blueprints. In vRealize Automation 8.2. A blueprint

 is called a cloud template.








Extensibility :-

 The Extensibility components are related to increased functionality, XaaS and operation governed by the Event Broker system .






Hope you understand  vRealize Automation 7 Components Mapping to the vRealize Automation 8.2 Components before migration.
Stay with me to read the next upcoming my blog, vRealize Automation 7 to vRealize Automation 8.2. migration limitation .
 I hope you enjoy reading this blog as much as I enjoyed writing it. Feel free to share this on social media if it is worth sharing. 

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