vRA 8.4 does support three types of policies, which are mentioned below and Resource Quota Policy has been introduce in vRA 8.5
- Approval policy
- Day 2 Actions policy
- Lease policy
To set a new resource quota policy,
- Go to Service Broker
- Click on Content and Policies
- Go to Policies
- Click on Definitions.
- Click on the “NEW POLICY” button
The next screen shows all Policy Types available in vRA 8.5.
Click on the new tile for the Resource Quota Policy.
The first step is to provide a name followed by an optional description of this policy.
The next two fields (“Scope” and Resource quota” ) are mandatory to define the quota.
1- When you select “Organization / Multiple Projects”, you can choose to specify the names of projects by clicking the “+” button and either providing specific names or a regular expression which would apply to all projects that meet this criterion. If you do not include project names, by default, the policy is applied at the org level.
2- You can also choose to apply this policy to a specific Project. For that, select the radio button for “Project” and select the project in the field that appears. As you can see above print screen.
Finally need to add resource quota limits by clicking the “ADD” button. In the Add Resource Quota” pop up, you select the type of limit, the name of the resource and set its limits.
- Organization Limits: The resource quota is applied at the org level as an aggregate of resources consumed by all users.
- Organization User Limits: The resource quota is applied at the org level per user in that org. A user could belong to multiple projects in which case the aggregate of resources in all such projects is considered before enforcing a limit if the projects belong to that org.
- Project Limits: The resource quota is applied at the project level as an aggregate of resources consumed by all users.
- Project User Limits: The resource quota is applied at the project level per user in that project.
When you select the scope as Project, the “Scope level” is restricted to Project Limits and Project User Limits.
The “Resource” field gives you an option to apply the limit to one of CPU, VM Count, Memory or Storage.